Sometimes you think you have it bad, and it takes someone else's situation to make you realize you really have it good.
Twice a week I go to physical therapy for my shoulder, and as I lay on the torture table, and get my arm yanked back, I think of how much pain I am in, and why did me of all people, a girl who never played athletic sports in high school, get stuck with a shoulder injury.
Today I asked my therapist, "have you ever had therapy?" Thinking maybe he could sympathize my pain. He answered yes. He had broken a color bone in college, and recently, he told me he broke three ribs. You would never guess how, he broke them from coughing too hard. Me, being a smart ass asked him if he smoked. He said no, but radiation and chemo therapy caused him to loose his voice and cough a lot. He said he is now in remission for Hodgkin's lymphoma.
If that doesn't make you stop and smell the roses, I don't know what does.
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