Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Stop and smell the roses

Sometimes you think you have it bad, and it takes someone else's situation to make you realize you really have it good.
Twice a week I go to physical therapy for my shoulder, and as I lay on the torture table, and get my arm yanked back, I think of how much pain I am in, and why did me of all people, a girl who never played athletic sports in high school, get stuck with a shoulder injury.

Today I asked my therapist, "have you ever had therapy?" Thinking maybe he could sympathize my pain. He answered yes. He had broken a color bone in college, and recently, he told me he broke three ribs. You would never guess how, he broke them from coughing too hard. Me, being a smart ass asked him if he smoked. He said no, but radiation and chemo therapy caused him to loose his voice and cough a lot. He said he is now in remission for Hodgkin's lymphoma.

If that doesn't make you stop and smell the roses, I don't know what does.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Wagging your tail over fish

After a long day of work, nothing makes your tail wag more than having amazing dinner plans. What ever tickles your fancy, mexican, italian, japanese. My personal favorite is sushi. It's funny how for twenty something years I wouldn't touch raw fish. In the past year, I went from eating overcooked shrimp, to raw tuna and salmon. Being able to eat sushi is a sophisticated way of dining. You feel like you could sit with the cool kids... pinky up. If you are deathly afraid of having raw fish in your mouth, starting with rolls are always the easiest way to get your paw in the door. To make it even easier, instead of using seaweed in the roll, ask for soy paper. It is much easier to eat, and less fishy.

Who would have known my first blog would be about sushi. Well sinch I am just getting started, I still have to decifer what my nack is. I love food, and alcohol, but I also love fashion and beauty. How about I talk about what ever I want. Sounds like a plan.